February 2012
Resource: What's Your Math Problem!?! by Linda Gojak
Reflection Question:
Chapter 5
Which strategy did you find most useful? Why?
Resource: Diffentiation Strategies for Teaching Mathematics by Wendy Conklin
Reflection Question:
Chapter Tiered Assignments
How do you currently tier lessons for students? Which strategy will you implement as a result of this training?
Ch. 5 - Because I learn best through visual representations, all of these strategies are helpful to me. I am better understanding how it is important to allow students to practice specific strategies and not just stick with one to use every time.
ReplyDeleteTiered Assignments - I like the examples that were used in the training. I can use these with teachers during grade level meetings to give them ideas for creating their own tiered assignments. We just need to make sure that the differentiation doesn't water down the standard.
Cheryl Hampel, St. Marys Magnet Academy
Ch. 5 - We are both visual learners, so we really found the strategy of draw a picture or diagram to be most useful. By drawing a picture or a diagram, it helps one see visually what the problem is asking.
ReplyDeleteTiered Assignments - This was very helpful. We currently don't tier assignments in our classrooms; however, after this training, we will start doing this in some of our classes. From this training, we will start adding columns for more advanced students and adding more examples to a table/chart for below level learners.
Amy Patrick and Diane Ventimiglia, Forrest Road Elementary